Creative Arts

About the course

Length of Course:
1 years

Term 1 – Yarn:

Term 1 – Paper:
Paper-cutting (Mexican papel picadoes, Jewish Ketubot, Polish Wycinanki)
3D sculpture and folding Origami

Term 3 – Sew
Sewing techniques
Making of solo and collaborative pieces

The Gateways Creative Arts course had been designed and built by the in-house team, for students to promote relaxation and wellbeing. A combination of online learning and practical interactive sessions.

A non-qualification course – students will have termly opportunities to showcase their work to family, friends’ peers and Gateways staff.

  • One year course
  • Once a week for 1.5 hours
  • Students will work on projects together and independently
  • A Gateways certificate will be issued to all students completing the full year

Meet the creative arts course teacher