Courses & Qualifications

Academic Courses

Vocational courses
Hair & Beauty
Home Cooking Skills
Gym Instructor

Life skills
Money Management
Survival Skills for Solo Cooks
Creative Arts
Literacy & Numeracy
Confidence & Self Esteem
Work Readiness

Gateways provides an engaging and aspirational curriculum which takes into account students’ previous education. At Gateways, the aim is to equip all students with the skills, knowledge and experience they will need to progress to the next stage of their education. Whether you’re currently in school or have been out of education for several months or even years, Gateways is here to give every student the education they deserve.

The education on offer is varied, offering all levels of learning from basic numeracy and literacy, Entry Level certificate, Functional Skills, BTECs and GCSE.

All courses are carefully tailored to meet the students’ different needs and strengths and are centred on their interests to maximise engagement. Courses are led by qualified and experienced staff who can make learning both accessible, challenging and fun. The majority of courses are accredited to maximise students ‘chances to flourish within.

English and maths classes are offered in a student-to-teacher ratio of 1:1 or 2:1, ensuring that each student receives the individualised attention they deserve.

Gateways understand that effective learning extends beyond the traditional classroom, which is why all vocational courses feature small groups of up to 6 students led by industry professionals.

93% pass rate for all students achieving their qualifications in 22/2023 academic year

Exam success

Students make exceptional progress at Gateways, due to the unique and informal teaching methods, attaining far higher grades than each one would ever have thought possible. As a student led alternative education provision, the overall approach and additional services on offer at Gateways, builds resilience, which in turn helps these young adults graduate, ready to cope with the next steps on their path to independence.

Gateways is As a registered exam center, students are able to take their exams in a familiar space, in small rooms and with the tools at hand, that they are have learnt to help with any anxiety or stress.

I wanted to say how grateful I am for everything you have done for me over the last 2 years. I came to you broken and now I feel that I can achieve anything. Thanks to the amazing teachers and therapy, I am a different person.

Thank you will never be enough. I never thought that someone like me could get an education, but you have made these dreams come true. Thanks you for everything.

Gateways student February 2023