Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

The purpose of this Privacy Notice

15th November 2023

Gateways is a registered charity in England and Wales No. 1201455. We are committed to ensuring that we are transparent about ways in which we use your personal information and that we have the right controls in place to ensure it is used responsibly and is kept safe from inappropriate access, theft, or misuse. Your personal data will be processed according to our policy and UK data protection law.  If you would like further details about our policy and how we may process your data, please get in touch.

Personal information can be anything that identifies and relates to a living person, not just your name and this Privacy Notice provides a summary of:

  • the services we provide.
  • the personal information we collect, use and share.
  • how we keep your information safe.
  • your information rights.
  • how to contact us and how to complain
  1. Recent updates to this policy

Updates may be made to this policy from time to time.

  1. Who we Are

Gateways is a charity registered in England and Wales (Registration Number 1201455). According to UK data protection law, we are the ‘data controller’ and responsible for handling your data lawfully. Gateways is an alternative provision offering education & support services to Jewish young people, age 14-25, missing out on mainstream education, due to mental, physical ill-health or other issues. We aim to make a difference, providing a safe, supportive, inclusive environment, delivering education & resources needed to succeed. We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential.

  1. When we collect information

The main sources of information are from you directly or via our website and social media channels. This is likely to be where you or your child are referred to us, or where you get in touch directly. In some circumstances we may also gather data from publicly available information about you. If you are under the age of 18, we may ask your parent or guardian for their consent to process your personal data.

  1. What information we collect

Your personal information may include some of the following, i.e., name, date of birth and contact details, family and next of kin details, stories, and images, financial, tax status and banking details, cookies when accessing the website and digital channels. We will only collect information that is necessary for us to undertake the necessary purpose we have identified.

Some of your personal information may include ‘Special categories of data’ which is defined in law and requires additional protection because of its sensitivity, i.e., racial, or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data and biometric data, sex life; and sexual orientation and criminal offence data.

  1. What your information is used for

The main purposes we use your data for include dealing with your enquiry about our services, or where you have been referred to us, fundraising and donations, communication and newsletters, applying for or working with us as an employee, trustee or volunteer, or where we engage with you as a service provider or consultant. We may also use personal data for handling compliments/complaints, financial and anti-fraud operations, sharing stories and images. In some circumstances we may process your data in your best interests or the interests of the public to safeguard you and others.

We may also gather information about you from the public domain in order to understand you better and so that we might send you appropriate communications. This is commonly referred to as profiling. Whenever we do this, we ensure it is not intrusive, you may stop such activity at any time. For a full list of our purposes please refer to section 15 of this notice.

  1. Sharing of your information

We will not share your data other than for the purposes we use your data for, unless permitted by the law. We will not sell, trade, or lease your personal information to others. Your information will be kept secure within the UK or any country which the UK believes has adequate safeguards to protect you with the exception of where we use service providers for specific service such as bulk mailings, e.g., newsletters. In these circumstances we will ensure appropriate safeguards are in force.

  1. Our lawful basis for processing your data

In order to be lawful when processing your personal data, we rely on at least one of the following conditions.  Your consent, although this is not the only condition we can rely on.  Other conditions may include our legal obligations, for contract purposes, where it is in your vital interests or for a lawful public task, research, and our legitimate interests.

  1. Storage and security of your data

We are committed to keeping your personal information safe and secure by implementing appropriate technical and organisational controls. This includes ensuring our staff are aware of their obligations and are regularly trained. We may store your personal data in the UK, or any other country considered to be adequate. However, we may also store data outside of our jurisdiction. Where this is the case, we will undertake transfer risk assessments and ensure appropriate safeguards are in place. This may include the UK international data transfer agreement (IDTA)

  1. How long we keep your data

We commit to keeping your personal information no longer than required by law and/or our operating needs. We maintain a policy on data retention which is periodically reviewed.

  1. Your rights

Your rights include the rights of access, to be informed, to request rectification, erasure, restriction of processing, data portability, to object and in relation to automated decision making and profiling. If you would like to exercise any of your information rights, please get in touch.

  1. Changes to this policy

We reserve the right for us to change the policy as required. Please check back from time to time

  1. How to contact us

You are able to contact us as follows:

Edgeworth Close
London NW4 4HJ

T. 020 8183 0164‬

You may also contact the regulator of information rights in the UK:

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113

or by writing to them at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

  1. Key terms

We are a data controller which means we decide why personal data is to be collected and how it will be used and treated. Your personal data is information that can be used to identify or contact a specific individual, such as a name, address, telephone number, email address, etc., and online identifiers and location data such as IP addresses and mobile device IDs.

Special category data means personal data revealing your racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade union membership; genetic data; biometric data; data related to your health; data concerning your sex life or sexual orientation; and data related to criminal convictions or involvement in criminal proceedings.

  1. Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your devices by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

We use a variety of cookies, and most web browsers allow some personal management of cookies. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, visit or

  1. How we use your data

 We use your data when you:

  • referrals for support.
  • self-referral for support.
  • donate, fundraise, or support Gateways.
  • sign-up for our e-Newsletter.
  • provide us with your stories and images (video, stills, audio recordings).
  • apply for support.
  • volunteer or employee support funds.
  • sign up for gift aid.
  • apply for employment or a voluntary position.
  • provide a reference for our staff, volunteers or Trustees.
  • apply to become a Trustee.
  • undertake background checks on potential and actual members of staff, Trustees and volunteers.
  • attend one of our Board, Committee, Group or Panel meetings.
  • work with us as an agency worker, a consultant, or a sole trader.
  • supply our charity with products or services.
  • are provided as an emergency contact for one of our staff, volunteers, or Trustees.
  • make a complaint.

This notice was last updated on 15th November 2023